Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tim's Story

Recently Tim wrote us and sent us the heart felt story...talking with Tim through e-mail riding has been his escape and has kept him pushing forward and overcoming great loss in his life! Here is Tim's story and I want to thank him for his great outreach to Flatmonkey Bmx!

My wife Cyndi and I moved to Louisville KY for a great job opportunity. We were finally catching up on bills , and having a steady source of income coming into the household. We ended up having to leave Louisville after about 15 months for my Mother-in-law. She was becoming fairly sick at a alarming rate.

Well, just a short month ago she passed away , due to kidney failure. For the last 2 years of being back in NW Ohio(in between Windsor Ontario and Cleveland Ohio) we had lost not only my father and mother-in -law, but also my Uncle (on my wife's side of the family).

It has been a lot to take in the last past 24 months , but it teaches you just how short time is, and to never take one day for granted.

So the good news(already ha ha) is that I will be moving back to Louisville KY in a bigger , more spacious home(and even in a better neighborhood yay!) Due to my wife getting her job back in Louisville.

So with all that has tragically happen in the past, I can honestly tell you that "there is light at the end of the tunnel"!

Well thanks for listening to my (shortened and skimmed down) story.

Oh yeah , I am also very excited about my 3-1/2 garage to ride in (ha ha).

Well thanks again for everything.

Take Care , and keep up what you are doing. I am sure it is apreciated by all, but it is for sure inspiring by myself(and I bet others as well)

Tim Koehle

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He's also in jail for raping and sodomizing his own daughter.... this guy is no inspiration. He's also a woman beater