Wednesday, November 11, 2009

This week

This past week Caleb and I were out riding and enjoying the weather. We are getting ready for a couple of shows and shooting some pics for sponsors. Things have been quiet lately and lot of stuff will be going down next summer. Right now we are just putting in a lot of practice time and enjoying riding.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tim's Story

Recently Tim wrote us and sent us the heart felt story...talking with Tim through e-mail riding has been his escape and has kept him pushing forward and overcoming great loss in his life! Here is Tim's story and I want to thank him for his great outreach to Flatmonkey Bmx!

My wife Cyndi and I moved to Louisville KY for a great job opportunity. We were finally catching up on bills , and having a steady source of income coming into the household. We ended up having to leave Louisville after about 15 months for my Mother-in-law. She was becoming fairly sick at a alarming rate.

Well, just a short month ago she passed away , due to kidney failure. For the last 2 years of being back in NW Ohio(in between Windsor Ontario and Cleveland Ohio) we had lost not only my father and mother-in -law, but also my Uncle (on my wife's side of the family).

It has been a lot to take in the last past 24 months , but it teaches you just how short time is, and to never take one day for granted.

So the good news(already ha ha) is that I will be moving back to Louisville KY in a bigger , more spacious home(and even in a better neighborhood yay!) Due to my wife getting her job back in Louisville.

So with all that has tragically happen in the past, I can honestly tell you that "there is light at the end of the tunnel"!

Well thanks for listening to my (shortened and skimmed down) story.

Oh yeah , I am also very excited about my 3-1/2 garage to ride in (ha ha).

Well thanks again for everything.

Take Care , and keep up what you are doing. I am sure it is apreciated by all, but it is for sure inspiring by myself(and I bet others as well)

Tim Koehle

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Stay Strong

We have to continue to support and remember the great riders who have been injured doing what we love! Prayers go out to Stephen Murray and to continue to honor and support him:

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Check out the story...we are stoked to be a part of Global-Flat and the entire community!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thoughts/Some Good News

First off I wanted to put out there that Caleb and I are working on the 1in3 Trinity Energy Drink Flatland Bmx Tour! This is a great thing coming quickly to have a good time...being that stated we are on the cover of Global-Flat

Second; I was browsing You Tube tonight for our videos and I read a comment from a rider in Australia....he made a statement about how could I be sponsored? I wil start off by stating that I have never claimed to be the raddest flatlander in the world...I only compete on occasion for fun...There are many riders out there who would kill me with new styles and tricks....I ride for fun, to promote outreach, and promote flatland....Flatland has always been straight freestyle to me which means riding against yourself to get better, have fun, and let others see how cool it is. I am about the art. So the question is how can this guy be sponsored? Well sponsorship is not just about how great of a rider someone is...I work hard with the media, I am cool to others, and I help generate customers for my sponsors...but, more important I am faithful to my sponsors and I work hard for them...all while having a fulltime career and going to school....the other thing I found amusing was this individual had one video of other riders and I have a bunch of opinions are just that and being a christian I can only pray he really understands what I am all about and not just my riding....I am not upset that he had an opnion on my riding or question if I was sponsored (not to mention the 300+ shows I have performed in the last two years!) I was upset because he claims to ride flatland and I know a lot of flatlanders and they are about supporting each other not bashing them!

God Bless;

Chris Ridener

Saturday, September 12, 2009

1in3TrinityEnergyDrink Promo3

Practice Session Learning New Tricks and Links for upcoming Tour Fall 2009


Friday, September 11, 2009

1in3 Trinity Energy Drink Promo Video

Hey all! It has been a while since a post...we have just finished a 1in3 Trinity Energy Drink Video...we are shooting more and planning a Bmx Tour for the drink company...more information coming soon.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Hello Fans and Visitors! It has been a while since I have is some recent news...we continue to roll out and perform at Storybook Island...for show times visit we also will be performing at Calvary Chappel in Rapid City on the 8th of Aug. what else is happening? We are working on adding and building sponsorships and planning a quick summer tour...more to follow!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Hills Alive 2009

Caleb Stark, Layne Ridener, and I will be performing at Hills Alive 2009 this weekend! The 18th and 19th of July in Rapid City, SD

We are working on numerous projects right now and have exciting things happening as we move forward.......More news coming soon

Monday, May 25, 2009

Caleb Stark!!!! Rapid City Flatlander

I moved to Rapid city, SD in February and it has been a while since I have had another Flatlander to ride with. My son and I met up with local Flat rider Caleb Stark today and sessioned at a local middle school. This was a great time and I picked up some new skills from Mr. Stark....I will also mention his ride is awesome...I will be doing a bike check with him soon. Caleb will be doing some shows with me in the near future so watch out for some videos and pics!
Chris Ridener

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Memorial Day/BMX/Blessings

This weekend marks a great weekend as we remember those who have fallen to protect our freedoms. I just ask that if you see a soldier, veteran, spouse of a military member take the time to say thank you and please take the time to remember those who have died for our freedom and their families. This weekend marks my opening weekend of shows at Http:// We will be doing shows on Saturday at 10am, 12 pm, 3pm, and daughter will be annoucing and my son will be performing with me! He is only 4 years old...crazy! I am blessed and have to thank Airspeed and SE Bikes....also igh clothing and especially Tammy at Bold4God for always helping me at the last minute!
Chris Ridener

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Random Thoughts

Many of you who come here are always seeing a small video clip...or hearing about me and updates: My site is focused for youth and I want to ensure our youth are getting a good message. If you found yourself here reading and you are a young man or women into extreme sports or into other things and just reading this I want to tell you Flatmonkey Bmx exist for you. God has blessed me to be here and be able to do shows to reach out to youth and adults. I want all of you to know you and I exist because of God! All of you out there God is talking to you and it is up to you whether you really listen or not! I have been opening my heart lately and struggling with different things like all of us do. However; I am trying to listen hard right now because I know there is a message God is sending to my heart and mind about many different things with my everyday life. So many times someone tells us something in our life and we hear what that say but, do we really hear? Do we listen? The answer many times is no! We pick out what we think is important information and we acknowledge the ideas of what we think we heard! We do this with God sometimes as well. We hear but, we do not really listen. We sometimes become impatient waiting on the answer to our concerns. Stop and pray, read your Bible, and listen! Take the time to wait for an answer.....we sometimes let our own heart and mind lead us....if we would just be patient and let God lead us we would end up in much better places......I pray and read my bible to stay balanced...just like when I am riding flatland I keep my focus on my tricks to stay balanced....pray and the bible does this for me in my life! God Bless....Chris Ridener

Sunday, May 3, 2009

2009 New Sponsors

After a lot of prayer and decisions our 2009 line is changing. If you check out our sponsorship section at Http:// you will see some changes. The biggest change is my bike sponsorship! For those who follow my shows, news and updates you know I come from the old school days of the AFA (American Freestyle Association) Flatland has progressed greatly and I have many friends in the scene from the old days and today. In terms of flatland these days I do not believe there is a difference in old school/new school it is all kinda of mixed together. I do believe in it is Flatland Freestyle and that means ride and have fun and do what you want. My old school traditions and other reasons has helped me go back to my roots. This past month I left a great company Hitman Bikes owned by Christen and Lisa. These two have been great to me and their business is awesome. There products are great and they made me a part of their Bmx Family. I could send them e-mails monthly not just about riding but, life and they were great to me. So why leave? I changed my show formats and they way I am performing outreach. I have been friends with Todd Lyons and Brett Downs for years and they both help runs SE Bikes. Both have been great supports in my trials and tribunes of Bmx and my shows and travels. After some serious thinking I returned to SE Bikes. This is a place I fit and plan to stay. The bikes and my style of riding fit me better. Like I stated this was a hard move but, the right one for me! So check out SE Bikes in my sponsor section and watch for the glowing Orange SE Quadanngle coming to my future shows and contests!

God Bless!

Chris Ridener

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Story Book Island Coming 2009

Chris Ridener has teamed up with Story Book Island in Rapid City,SD to perform weekly shows for the summer of 2009. This was team effort to raise awareness of Flatland Bmx to the community and tourist and help raise needed funds for Storybook Island. Chris will be working hard to bring new fresh sponsors to Storybook Island for 2009 and help bring a great flatland show to the visiting youth!

Monday, April 13, 2009

New Promo Video Summer 2009

Coming Summer 2009 Chris Ridener sponsored by igh Clothing:

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Trick List for Flatland

If you are looking to get into Flatland Bmx but, do not know where to start. Do a little research and here is a good place to start learning the names of tricks and some explanations! This is a great resource and shows some beginner tricks to advanced:

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Local youth show some great skate skillz

I love outreaching to young people and for the past year or so I have had the priviledge to know two local youth and watch them progress on their skateboards. When most youth are busting at their local skate parks these two are defining flatland skateboarding in the local neighborhood. At there age and their quick level of style and learning...these two are your future Rodney Mullens.....This video is the styling of Kyle Wallace age 12 and Walter Reed age 13...I would let these two style in a Flatmonkey Demo anytime! Keep skating guys your future is bright!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Benjamin New Site

My boy Benjamin is coming to you out of Oregon. He is a great artist and long time friend. But, I am truly not just a friend to this guy I am a huge fan. I play his CD so much at shows and in my truck traveling that I wear it out. He has a way of taking hip hop to a whole new level. He and I also share many things in common when it comes to our Christian walks. I will not speak for him but, we are lable all the time as Christian artist. I come to an understanding from Benjamin that be can call me that if they want but, truly everything I try to do has Christ as my guidance..the art and entertainment is just what I love to do. Benjamin has big things already happening in 2009...just out his news site and his album S.K.R.I.P.T this man is a lyrical master and if you listen him and his crew add many cool twist with musics, loops, and other things in their music that makes them unique compared to other artist...Oh yeah and for my Bmx extreme crews reading...get this he loves bike riding and is busting a Trick in one of our photos...yes my Boy like riding Bmx and busting tricks in his spare time...that is why he will always be a part of the Flatmonkey Bmx team.....! God bless bro and we wish you much success in 2009....By the way if he and I can work it you may just see some of him in my new video!
Chris Ridener

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Aaron Frost

Flatmonkey Bmx is all about promoting arts, entertainment, and music....I have been around the Texas scene as far as Flatland Bmx for a while now. I had the opportunity to see Aaron Frost ride numerous times and was always amazed and motivated to ride more and get better. During the Texas Round Up IV pre-jam I had the chance to finally meet Aaron Frost not only is he an amzing rider but, he is a down to earth guy and fun to be around. So not only is he a well rounded Pro Flatlander he also owns his own business I encourage you to check out his business and all the cool flatland bmx parts he offers. He not only sells the parts he designs and manufactures them. He has a wide variety of pegs, handlebars, and stems. He has taken Flatland to whole new level with his designs and most Flatlanders like myself are trying to make their bikes more light and durable Sequence Fab has you covered in this department. Aaron was recently interviewed by The Corpus Christi Caller. Check out his interview and video at

Sunday, January 4, 2009


2009 will be an exciting year for me. My job will be taking me to Rapid City, South Dakota where I will be relocating Flatmonkey Bmx. I should be traveling in my job to different parts of the Globe and when at home I will be performing as always....I joined forces with a great ministry known as in god's hands clothing. I feel I need to get back to my Christian roots more and this will help bring a greater message to my fans. I will be focusing more emphasis on my Christian outreach this year. So please support this growing clothing ministry 10% of their proceeds goes to: which is a great cause! Visit their website at: and buy something today and help support a great cause...also get some cool threads to shred in!

Mission Six

While most was out on New Years Rocking out and Partying I decided to party in a whole new way. My party did not involve Drugs and alcohol but, rocking out with Mission 6 and The Rubyz at Party in the Falls 2008. This event hosted the two Radio Disney Bands....Magic, Music, The Bubble Room for kids and various other arts and entertainment. I had a chance to meet the band before they went on stage. These guys performance was amazing and the oldest star is 15 years old. However; they are seasoned performers. I have been doing outreach for a while but, the message they send through their show is amazing...these young Rockers send a positive message about God and their faith and their music is amazing I even bought their CD! You will be hearing M6 music at Flatmonkey Bmx performances in the future and who knows we may even team up in the future and you will see me performing Flatland at one of their concerts...If you have kids and want to see an amazing Christian Show you have to see these guys perform....The Rubyz was just as great and the love they showed my daughter was even more amazing...Thanks both of you for a great night of really set the tone for me....After getting blown away by these two amazing performances I went on stage to perform a Flatland Bmx demo that has been Aired on KFDX Channel 3 and Times Record News Wichita Falls, TX.....God Bless!