Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Trick List for Flatland

If you are looking to get into Flatland Bmx but, do not know where to start. Do a little research and here is a good place to start learning the names of tricks and some explanations! This is a great resource and shows some beginner tricks to advanced:


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Local youth show some great skate skillz

I love outreaching to young people and for the past year or so I have had the priviledge to know two local youth and watch them progress on their skateboards. When most youth are busting at their local skate parks these two are defining flatland skateboarding in the local neighborhood. At there age and their quick level of style and learning...these two are your future Rodney Mullens.....This video is the styling of Kyle Wallace age 12 and Walter Reed age 13...I would let these two style in a Flatmonkey Demo anytime! Keep skating guys your future is bright!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Benjamin New Site

My boy Benjamin is coming to you out of Oregon. He is a great artist and long time friend. But, I am truly not just a friend to this guy I am a huge fan. I play his CD so much at shows and in my truck traveling that I wear it out. He has a way of taking hip hop to a whole new level. He and I also share many things in common when it comes to our Christian walks. I will not speak for him but, we are lable all the time as Christian artist. I come to an understanding from Benjamin that be can call me that if they want but, truly everything I try to do has Christ as my guidance..the art and entertainment is just what I love to do. Benjamin has big things already happening in 2009...just out his news site http://www.benjimanmusic.com/ and his album S.K.R.I.P.T this man is a lyrical master and if you listen him and his crew add many cool twist with musics, loops, and other things in their music that makes them unique compared to other artist...Oh yeah and for my Bmx extreme crews reading...get this he loves bike riding and is busting a Trick in one of our photos...yes my Boy like riding Bmx and busting tricks in his spare time...that is why he will always be a part of the Flatmonkey Bmx team.....! God bless bro and we wish you much success in 2009....By the way if he and I can work it you may just see some of him in my new video!
Chris Ridener

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Aaron Frost

Flatmonkey Bmx is all about promoting arts, entertainment, and music....I have been around the Texas scene as far as Flatland Bmx for a while now. I had the opportunity to see Aaron Frost ride numerous times and was always amazed and motivated to ride more and get better. During the Texas Round Up IV pre-jam I had the chance to finally meet Aaron Frost not only is he an amzing rider but, he is a down to earth guy and fun to be around. So not only is he a well rounded Pro Flatlander he also owns his own business http://sequencefab.com/ I encourage you to check out his business and all the cool flatland bmx parts he offers. He not only sells the parts he designs and manufactures them. He has a wide variety of pegs, handlebars, and stems. He has taken Flatland to whole new level with his designs and most Flatlanders like myself are trying to make their bikes more light and durable Sequence Fab has you covered in this department. Aaron was recently interviewed by The Corpus Christi Caller. Check out his interview and video at http://www.caller.com/videos/detail/flatland-freestyle/

Sunday, January 4, 2009


2009 will be an exciting year for me. My job will be taking me to Rapid City, South Dakota where I will be relocating Flatmonkey Bmx. I should be traveling in my job to different parts of the Globe and when at home I will be performing as always....I joined forces with a great ministry known as in god's hands clothing. I feel I need to get back to my Christian roots more and this will help bring a greater message to my fans. I will be focusing more emphasis on my Christian outreach this year. So please support this growing clothing ministry 10% of their proceeds goes to: http://jeanstarfoundation.org/ which is a great cause! Visit their website at:
http://www.ingodshandsclothing.com/main.sc and buy something today and help support a great cause...also get some cool threads to shred in!

Mission Six

While most was out on New Years Rocking out and Partying I decided to party in a whole new way. My party did not involve Drugs and alcohol but, rocking out with Mission 6 and The Rubyz at Party in the Falls 2008. This event hosted the two Radio Disney Bands....Magic, Music, The Bubble Room for kids and various other arts and entertainment. I had a chance to meet the band before they went on stage. These guys performance was amazing and the oldest star is 15 years old. However; they are seasoned performers. I have been doing outreach for a while but, the message they send through their show is amazing...these young Rockers send a positive message about God and their faith and their music is amazing...so amazing I even bought their CD! You will be hearing M6 music at Flatmonkey Bmx performances in the future and who knows we may even team up in the future and you will see me performing Flatland at one of their concerts...If you have kids and want to see an amazing Christian Show you have to see these guys perform....The Rubyz was just as great and the love they showed my daughter was even more amazing...Thanks both of you for a great night of worship....you really set the tone for me....After getting blown away by these two amazing performances I went on stage to perform a Flatland Bmx demo that has been Aired on KFDX Channel 3 and Times Record News Wichita Falls, TX.....God Bless!